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Donec vitae sapien ut libearo venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt Sed fringilla mauri amet nibh.

Choose the right theme for education

Donec vitae sapien ut libearo venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt Sed fringilla mauri amet nibh.

Choose the right theme for education

Donec vitae sapien ut libearo venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt Sed fringilla mauri amet nibh.

About us

Welcome to Neeldev Enterprises

Neeldev Enterprises perform end-to-end services for their clients right from procurement of raw material to product development and product design. They also ensure proper storage, packaging, and bottling of the products. With huge industry experience, they always tend to deliver the best products at most competitive pricing. Neeldev Enterprises, delivering the highest quality is their first priority. With expertise behind developing the most effective solutions to meet the market demand of organic products. they lay high emphasis on factors like quality of products, hygiene of workers, and packaging of the products.

Niroga Oil

NIROGA is an Ayurvedic Patented Hair medicinal preparation which is made without any side effects. NIROGA is a unique mix of Ayurvedic formula, prepared using 19 selected herbs.

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GPS Watch

The watch can track and locate your kid's position by GPS & LBS even in buildings. Press the SOS button for 3 seconds to receive call from the watch. If your child gets lost in public this function is really helpful.

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A smart bag also having GPS tracking device. We can easily locate on mobile maps, our bags, if lost. A GPS tracking device is used to get GPS locations of bag. It gets co-ordinates from GPS satellites.

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Neeldev NFD is a high-class and future proof fire security solution. Fire is always dangerous regardless the type or location and smoke as well as fire-fighting causes always damage.

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Get relief from these kind of problems

Hair Problems?



You do not require spending a huge amount on infrastructure setup as we have the best-in-class facilities to support high demand.


100% Organic

Our products are 100% organic and trusted for its quality. Each product goes through several quality checks before being made available for our clients.


Global Presence

Neeldev Enterprises is well-established to feed the demands of clients across the globe.



We have ready availability of skilled manpower to support a large scale production.